Mobile: 07780071681 7 days a week info@compufix-
Designed and maintained by Website-
Windows Upgrades & Re-
Computer Slow or Unable to Boot
PC and Laptop & Repair & Upgrade
Laptop Screen & Keyboard Replacement
Reviews of Compufix-
1. Google Reviews of Compufix-
2. The Compufix-
3. “Which? Local” Magazine Customer Reviews of Compufix
4. FreeIndex Customer Reviews of Compufix-
5. Facebook Reviews of Compufix-
Windows Upgrades & Re-
Computer Slow or Unable to Boot
Blue Screen Errors (BSOD)
PC and Laptop & Repair & Upgrade
Laptop Screen & Keyboard Replacement
Email: info@compufix-
Monday -
Saturday -
To bring your computer to me
I am at;
(Please call 07780071681 beforehand to ensure I’m in)
41 Radnor Road
(Just off 303 Gloucester Road)
Horfield (Bishopston)
Free on street parking
Call/Text/WhatsApp: 07780071681
I specialise in PCs / Laptops and do NOT repair Macs
I am not able to do home visits for the foreseeable future, sorry for any inconvenience